Monday, December 17, 2007

October & November

Have been extremely inconsistent or non existent over the past 2 months due to preoccupation & travel to places where access was difficult. But communication from friends kept the faith ~

28/11"What is the difference between God and Human? God gives and forgives. Human gets and forgets .

21st Century Gyan ~
"If you wish to be a Human Being; never forget your bad deeds & good deeds of others. However, If you wish to be a Professional; never forget your good deeds & bad deeds of others!"

There are only five good things that we really need in Life:






_ UCK!

(As getting a F_ is a matter of L_, either will do!;-))

24/11 The Paradox of our WIRED world is that as People become more Connected ELECTRONICALLY, People become Less Connected EMOTIONALLY...!

19/11 A rotten egg can't make a good omlet, but throw it at an irritating person & it satisfies the purpose of driving him away. The same logic is a core managerial art: good eggs (employees) are utilized 4 omlet (fulfilling work)&bad ones are pitted against troublemakers. This is also Optimum utl'z'n of resources.

17/11 We learn lessons by being beaten. It's not just about ability, its about applying pressure all the time...only then we will win.

6/11~Law of work: The last person that quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong.

5/11 ~ Pay attention to your enemies,
for they are the first to discover your mistakes....

17/10 Standing for what you believe in, Regardless of the odds against you, And the pressure that tears at your resistance.......Means courage.

15/10 ~ When we do a task we've to cross 3stages - Insult - Oposition - Aceptance -Fools stop at the 1st -Losers stop at the 2nd -Winners cross the 3rd. And thats how you win life n people!

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